Thursday, December 30, 2004

Knit one, cough two....

Sweater Grrrl


Dammit, I hate being sick. I don’t even want to eat. And for me, that’s huge!

I have been home from work for two days, and I am going to be sick over the holiday weekend. Which stinks, but that’s life, I guess! So I am sucking down Diet 7-Up and freebasing Saltine crackers.

On the up side, of course, I have had a lot of time to work on my knitting. I finished up the poncho for Pearl, and also screamed and fumed and swore at my Ultimate Sweater Machine.

First of all, it’s nothing like knitting. I don’t see myself using it a lot, unless I am feeling like a slack-ass about making a scarf that I want to wear the next day or something. I could immediately tell that there are ISSUES with this puppy, as soon as I opened the box. For starters, they advise you to watch the instructional video enclosed. (I rate it three yawns and a snore- I fell asleep halfway through and woke up with static on the TV. But I am sick, so I will cut them some slack. ) Next, there’s a huge sign atop all of the packaging that basically says, “If you have problems, please call our hotline number- DO NOT RETURN ITEM TO THE STORE!

Uh oh. I started to set it up, realized I didn’t have a table that was the correct configuration to set it up on, so I dragged a piece of particleboard out and stuck it on top of my “crafting desk”. Voila!

The next three hours was spent ripping out my hair trying to get the dad-blamed thing to work. I even resorted to calling the hotline number around 4PM- the leaflet in the box said they were open until 10PM Eastern Time.

Evidently, that info is no longer accurate. The sweet little Southern Woman who answered the phone informed me that they now were only open 8AM - 5PM. Which, if you’re located in California, kind of stinks- I can get through between 5 and 7AM my time, the rest of the time, I’d be at work. So I cave up, and tried again at 6:30 this morning. I got an answering machine.

So, I jiggled everything around and tightened a few bolts, and what do you know- it works! I made a practice square with little or no problem, and turned it into The Cutest Baby Hat in the World. Of course, I don’t have a baby. But if I did, its little noggin would be covered non-stop, ‘cause I’d make about a thousand of these. I am thinking I will donate it to one of my breeding friends- Dammit, Jessica, are you having a boy or a girl? The hat (which is very girly, although I suppose it could go either way) pic is posted below, along with the finished ribbon poncho (in progress, and completed)

So- Once it got going, the machine worked great. I think I’ll use it for the boring stuff, and tackle intarsia etc. on my own.

The Cutest Baby Hat in the World (despite the fact that I don't have any rugrats- I wonder if the cat would wear it?)  Posted by Hello

Finished poncho! Posted by Hello

Poncho in Progress..... Posted by Hello

Monday, December 27, 2004

What time is it? !

Sweater Grrrl

OK, it's pretty late (in my little world, anyway!)

But I just figured out how to upload and edit the pix from the new camera, so they would be view-able. I'm probably also going to make a gallery of finished projects somewhere eventually- either on the S N'B site where everyone's personal profiles will be, or on the homepage I hope to make soon.

Oh, and for those of you who are interested, the interview went well... although I need to seriously polish up my Excel skills for sums, lookups, etc. So I am going to be keeping busy.(For a change- HA!)

The finished product! (Yoga Bag) Posted by Hello

Melissa's Christmas scarf... Posted by Hello

Rainy Days & Mondays, blah blah blah blah thpppbbbbbbt....

Sweater Grrrl

Day 11 in the Land of Sanity

I apologize to all the Carpenters fans out there...but it's raining. And it's Monday. And now that feepin' song is stuck in my head!

Oh man, I am tired. This morning is dragging big-time. Back at work, and I forgot to bring my iPod, so I can’t even listen to music to pep me up!

I do have some good news, however- I finally figured out how to get my new digital camera to work. So there are now pictures of the infamous yoga bag and the fluffy scarf, which will be faithfully uploaded tonight. And I have an interview with another department at work today! So I may be escaping the craziness of my current job. I’m just happy that I didn’t show up in sweats today , because I seriously considered it.

I seem to be on a self-improvement kick-or at least, I am trying to be less of a slack-ass about my personal appearance. I got my nails & toes done, the hair is next (as well as another facial). I’m also trying to be less lazy about my clothing and styling my hair- but I have been in kind of a slump, and it shows. I realized with horror when I went to go get my pedicure that I couldn’t remember the last time I had shaved my legs. Eek! Let’s just say that I am not planning on letting things get that far gone ever again.

So the morning has ticked by, and it’s almost time for lunch. I just finished a lovely green apple with peanut butter (because there are still renegade Krispy Kremes floating around the office) I did ritualistically throw out two of them: they had made it through the holiday weekend due to pre-Christmas sugar overload and were still sitting, petrified, in their little box this morning.

Another thing I am trying to work on is organization. My office is chaotic, and since the biggest part of my job is staying on top of everything- well, let’s just say that flying from crisis to crisis has definitely taken its toll. At home, AND at work. So I am in negotiations for a new set of bookshelves at home, and have been cleaning up my desk at work to improve the flow of work and paper. (Also, my ulterior motive is to leave no incriminating evidence, juuuuust in case I am hired elsewhere!)

So my brain is beginning to feel less cluttered. Which is definitely a good thing.

Next project- shawl for the lady (Pearl) at the doctor’s office. Since I am still waiting for the measurements for the dog sweater. (hint hint, Dave….) If I don’t get that, I am going to start on the drop stitch shell from the SN’B book. I have some mohair that I want to use!

OK- it’s now after lunch, and I am getting mentally prepared for my interview…wish me luck!

Sunday, December 26, 2004

'Twas the Day After Christmas...

Sweater Grrrl

Thank goodness! Although, I have to say, things went tolerably well.

I did host the get-together on Christmas Eve- as I suspected, my in-laws declined to come. However, we did meet up with them last-minute for my Mother-in-Law’s birthday dinner, which I suspect was a direct result of the initial invitation to our place. Everything went well, she was in a wonderful mood, and I think the ice may be thawing. (Although, we weren’t invited to their house to celebrate on the 25th.) We also rec’d presents from them via Alan’s sister, which was nice, although I feel guilty because they asked us not to get them anything. We’re going to put together some kind of gift basket and a thank-you card this week.

All in all, a nice and relaxing holiday. I got to see my buddy Travis, and went out with him, my neighbors, and a bunch of their friends to a club on Friday (we had a blast!). Then on Saturday, we had brunch & nursed mild hangovers, cleaned and decorated the house, had Christmas Eve dinner with my family, and then his brother, brother’s wife, and sister came over to unwind and exchange presents with us.

The scarf and the yoga bag were a big hit with my sis. I need to take pictures with the new digital camera (Yea!) before she leaves tomorrow! But she really seemed thrilled, so I was happy. My mom actually said that she felt left out of the knitting gifts, so I will be knitting something for her next.

I can’t believe I got virtually everything on my Christmas list, including an “Ultimate Sweater Machine” which I wasn’t expecting. But it will be great for bigger items- I still plan to hand-knit stuff with detail, and do my portable projects, but this will be nice to have around. Between that, my new camera, and my mandoline slicer, I am going to be reading a lot of instruction manuals in the next few days. I also got a “certificate” saying that my Lantern Moon Needles are on order, perfume, various DVD’s…you name it. I feel very lucky.

What touched me the most, however, were the gifts from the two men in my life- my husband, and my dad. Not so much the tangible gifts, but the meaning behind them. I can’t even go into it without getting all soppy, so I’ll spare you.

In short, I had a wonderful Christmas. And I am so glad that this difficult year is nearly over with!

Today was great. Lots of lounging, went out to brunch, playing with all our new toys- mmmmmmmm. Too bad I have to go to work tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

An Adventure, A Christmas Present, and a Ray of Hope

Sweater Grrrl

Day 6 in the Land of Sanity

What a long, strange trip it’s been…

I wrote a huge long post last night, and Blogger ate it. * Sigh *

Suffice it to say, I got tipped off last night (by the lovely Meg) that the site where I planned to have my SN’B meeting in two weeks had closed suddenly. (Someone told her that they’d seen people carrying glassware/cash register/etc. out through the parking lot- not a good sign.)

Since I’d checked with the owner two weeks ago about having a group meet there on a recurring basis, and he’d seemed thrilled- well, color ME surprised! My friend Angela and I went to do recon- while there were no signs posted, the place looked like it had been cleaned out. I tried calling the phone number, which forwarded me to someone’s personal cell. I hung up.

First lesson- you can’t hang up on people’s voicemail anymore. Two hours later, I got a call back from what sounded like a very large party with a lot of middle-eastern music playing in the background and “Who is this-you called me?” Once I recovered my hearing, I deduced that it was the guy I had spoken to, and he told me he’d sold the business.

Anyway- 7PM on a Tuesday night, and my new SN’B group was effectively homeless. Angela and I racked our brains, but everywhere we could think of was too corporate, too small, or closed too early. Somewhere in the depths of my memory, I recalled a cute coffee place that I always drove by. So we headed in the direction of Palm & Bullard.

We walked in, and the place seemed perfect! Relaxing music, nice comfy couches and big tables. Angela tried a mocha (in the name of science) and pronounced it yummy. We spoke with the ladies behind the counter about having a knitting group meet up there, and they were thrilled. They already had a group coming in on Thursdays, but they usually met up on the “other side”.

That’s when I realized that the other side of the café was a Christian bookstore. And that I had not mentioned the name of the group when we were making plans. So of course, I had to ask if the name “Stitch N’ Bitch” was going to pose a problem.

That poor lady! She just looked completely stunned. She finally ventured, “Well- as long as you don’t say it too loud…or carry signs or anything!” (Hehe…I have to admit it, now I want to get a sign!)

So anyway, we decided against it- we want everyone to be comfortable. However, if you want a relaxing place to hang out and can get along without using profanity for about 30 minutes, check out AviAno. Good coffee, nice people- can’t beat that with a stick! Just don’t say the B-word. ;)

Meanwhile, it was getting later, and my husband was getting hungrier, and my cell phone was going non-stop. Koffeeheads & Pearl Tea House didn’t have enough seating. Marie Callendar’s had a banquet room, but it was booked that night. Aiiiigh!

I was about ready to break down and call Starbucks, but instead called my mother as a security measure. Her suggestion, “Can you change the name of your group?” (no way, Jose!) While we both racked our brains, I spotted an ad in the phone book with a little tiny starburst: “Ask us about our new conference room!”

So I called and spoke with Marshall (who probably thinks I am insane, but humored me nonetheless.) It sounded great, so I booked it- same bat time, different bat channel: Sequoia Brewing Company! It doesn’t get much more perfect than that. Just check out the website or send me an e-mail if you’d like more info.

Also- my poor husband! He’s been sick for three days- He tried to go in to work last night, but he looked like death warmed over, so they sent him home.

Anyway, I was wrapping all the gifts and stuff last weekend, and I noticed that there was nothing under the tree for me. So I started nagging, and he just kept putting me off, saying stuff like, “Well, I think the pants you bought online last week should be your present,” etc. Which of course, upset me- I had put a lot of time and effort into his gift! And unfortunately for him, his track record is not great- he’s a “last minute desperation shopper” most of the time.

This morning, he was all dejected. I guess he talked to my parents last night, and they both bought me the same gift that he did. This is probably the first time he’s gotten something for me in advance, and he has been keeping it hidden in his truck so he could surprise me. He even wrapped it himself, and he did a great job (and now I know where all my silver ribbon went!) Needless to say, I was very impressed and very touched at all the effort he went through.

He wanted alternate gift ideas- he’s supposed to call my parents back today and give them some more ideas. I suggested an Ultimate Sweater Machine or a full set of ebony Lantern Moon Needles, which weren’t on my original Christmas list, but which I would love love love. Perfume and a watch was another suggestion. Hopefully he’ll be able to find something else that he likes (or talk my parents into getting something else…)

Still have to finish the yoga bag strap and scarf, and clean my house. So I know what I am doing tonight!

In the meantime- I have applied for an open position in another department that I am interested in. I know I would enjoy working for the Manager over there, and I just got an email from her asking me to notify my manager, so she can set up an interview for me sometime next week. Yes!!! It’s almost like Escape from Witch Mountain…

Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Sweater Grrrl

Day 5 In the Land of Sanity (But not for long!)


Still 6:30 PM on Thursday, January 6th.

However, I rec’d intelligence early this evening that the Central City Café closed today.

After running all over creation, I think I found the perfect solution-

Sequoia Brewing Co. has a conference room. All ages are welcome (since it’s a restaurant.) Parking plentiful, good appetizers, and they don’t care if we say the word “bitch”! (more on this later.) They’re at 777 E. Olive Ave. in the Tower District.

I still have to finish the strap of the yoga bag and the scarf.

And update the website.

And clean the entire house.

Eeeeeeehhhhhh……and sleep. At some point.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Operation Yoga Bag

Sweater Grrrl

Day 4 in the Land of Sanity

Where did the weekend go? Although (epiphany follows) I actually managed to finish the "to-do's" that I set for myself over the weekend.

Listen closely, my sweet things, I am all beside myself with glee because I FINISHED the yoga bag!!!!! OK, just the bag part. I still have to do the strap. But I sincerely don’t mind that.

I totally screwed up the lace pattern somehow. I want to know how, actually, because I like it better this way than how it looked in the picture. And I want to reproduce it for myself. The lines are all wavy instead of diagonal, and looks like something a drunken but methodical spider might have produced. For the billionth time, I will have to post a picture. (Hint, hint Santa- digital camera!) I made sure that it would work by sticking my yoga mat in there, and all is well. I’m as shocked as the rest of the world.

And I got the Berocco Furz to finish up the scarf for sis. So on Christmas Eve, instead of scrambling to finish knitting, I will be scrambling to clean my house for my brother & sister in-law and their significant others to come over. The actual In-Law’s have been invited, (courtesy of my husband) but something tells me they’re not going to show. (Are the gods that kind? ;)

But at least I did my wifely duty by inviting her over to my house. To quote Bridget Jones, “Am perfect, saint-style person.”

Sooooo…that means I need to start on the poncho for the lady at the Dr.’s office, and a scarf for my sister in law. I cleaned out my knitting bag, which was in an advanced stage of yarn snarls and wads of paper, and stuck all my projects that I am working on into little Zip-Loc bags. I give it a week before I’m back to cramming everything in there again.

There was a domestic dispute last night about the knitting. My husband is evidently sick of seeing needles and yarn everywhere. So I now have a little tub that I stick everything into that I can shuttle back and forth from the living room into my craft room. So he can quit b*tching about it! (And if not, I will skewer him with my aluminum 19’s that he’s so afraid of. I love those things, they make me feel like Buffy the Vampire slayer.)


Finally managed to get down Christmas Tree Lane last night, along with everyone and their entire freaking family. It was nice. One house had cute little illuminated penguins that were kind of different, although they sort of looked like they were waiting for a polar bear with a bowling ball to come along.

Other than that, about the same as last year. Alan was so insane with driving 1 mph for like, an hour, that he promised to put lights in our big tree next year if I promise not to make him do Christmas Tree Lane again. I think I am going to take him up on that, even though he’ll have to use a cherry picker to do it….muuahahaha! It’s a redwood that’s probably 60 feet high. But the house will look fantastic- we skimped on the décor this year, so we can make up for it next year. And if I need a CTL fix, I will just go walk it with one of my buddies and a dog or two. Easy sneezy.

Also, work is good. All the people that usually call my boss for stuff that she ends up asking me to do are just calling me directly, hence cutting out the middleman. It's actually kind of nice, if a little nerve-wracking. Hmmmm.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Happy Friday from the Land O'Sanity

Sweater Grrrl
Day One in the Land of Sanity


It’s Friday, the weekend is upon us, and my lovely husband took me out to lunch for Thai food today. It doesn’t get any better than that, ladies & gentlemen! I also got to check in with my buddy Eryn via e-mail and assure her that I am still alive. I am sucking at returning phone calls (or indeed, answering my phone….or checking my e-mail or voicemail messages….you name it.) So I did that, and then Angela got ahold of me, via carrier pigeon. Those are hard to ignore, by the way. Anyway, aside from a nasty cough, the pneumonia is cured, so we are going to the yarn store tomorrow.

This means: A. I will be able to finish my scarf. And B. I will probably buy some extra stuff “just in case”. Angela is also going to introduce me to the intriguing world of online yarn shopping. As a tactile, color-oriented person, the concept of buying yarn sight unseen kinda freaks me out. But hey, I’ll try anything once. And I get to visit my ebony Lantern Moon knitting needles….mmmmmmmm. Ahem.

So- I am busily snarling up my yoga mat bag. My lunch buddies like the way it looks, however, it looks nothing like the picture shown in the book, which is a potentially bad sign. So I just won’t show my sister the picture. I have decided, however, that instead of the utilitarian white cotton string used in the book, I am going to find a fabulous ribbon to use as a closure instead. Because I’m half Armenian, baby, and we’re flashy like that.

I need to talk to Santa about those Ebony Lantern Moon needles and also about a digital camera. I seriously needs me one of them, so I can take pictures of my pretty projects and at the upcoming SN’B event. I am considering using a good part of my x-mas bonus to score some of the needles myself, since I don’t think my hubby is going to take the hint. Unfortunately.

Also, I may have just recruited a guy to knit with us- I am quite excited! I do want everyone to feel comfy with our group. So I may try to get him started knitting fairly soon, just throw a spare pair of needles his way and some nice Thick n’ Quick yarn and he’ll be set. (Bob, if you are reading this, I am plotting on your behalf.)

Tonight I will:

Wrap gifts
Convert latest CD’s to mp3 and load them onto iPod
Knit like a mofo to finish yoga bag
Buy more x-mas tree scented candles from Target
Drive down Chrismas Tree Lane (which I still haven’t done)

mmmmm….outta here in 1.5 hours. 5PM cannot come soon enough.

Thursday, December 16, 2004


Sweater Grrrl


My boss leaves through the first of the year starting tomorrow. I think I am going to have a sanity countdown on here until she comes back.

Well, I went to my first Knitting Meetup group last night- it was a lot of fun. There were 6 of us in Starbucks, just right for a cozy environment- and 5 of us were new, so our “charter member” got a lot of questions and we had a lot of fun. Unfortunately, my poor buddy Angela has pneumonia and couldn't attend.

We addressed some lively topics: reality TV, making fun of Celine Dion, sightings of insane Christmas sweaters with reindeer and snowman intarsia and holiday greetings spelled out in sequins and little bells, an article entitled “friends don’t let friends wear ponchos” (I’m still wearing them anyway), Madame Stink-Eye at the "scary knitting store", guys who have haircuts that make them look like electrocuted woodchucks, those people who read in bookstores, never buy anything, and then put the books back in the wrong place, the Communications Dept. at CSUF… and we explored the fact that three of us (50%!) had attended Clovis West High School. Actually, one of the three is still in attendance- she was there with her mom.

So I’d estimate the age range of those present at about every decade from the teens on up! Scarves were definitely the order of the day. We’d been there for two hours before I looked at the clock. And I suspect that we made the evenings of some older gentlemen in Starbucks, who were eavesdropping on our conversations and who seemed to get a huge kick out of us, because they just could not stop grinning whenever they looked in our direction.

I also got my first e-mail from the SN’B website-which was exciting! And I got to pass out some flyers in the meeting. One of the girls who works at Borders (Hi Nicole!) said she would put a flyer up over there, and it seems like there’s a lot of interest. So I am thrilled.

Also, in the land of knitting: I am almost done with the scarf for my sister- I just need to get another ball of yarn from Ancient Pathways. I know I have another skein of it in my stash, but I cannot find it to save my life. I am beginning to wonder if the cat ate it or something. In the meantime, I decided to finally work on mastering the lace stitch for the yoga bag.

So I have about 10 rows done, and I am beginning to realize that this isn’t going to be a “quickie” project. I am going to be working like a demon on this right up until Christmas Eve. But I am enjoying it, having figured out last night what YO, Sl, K2tg, SSK, and the infamous PSSO all mean. I also concede that bamboo needles would be soooooooo much easier for this! I am using a cotton/viscose blend, and my aluminums are really way too slippery for this kind of deal. When you’re doing lacework and you drop stitches- aieeeee! I think I am going to employ stitch markers in the next sets of rows, in case that happens again.

And- when I was in the Dr.’s office yesterday, one of the women behind the counter asked me to make her a ribbon poncho, like the one I have. So I am doing my first paid project! I have until after the first of the year, which will be pretty easy. She’s a teensy little thing, so I am taking out both length and width, and am sewing up the neckline more, so it doesn’t totally overpower her. Otherwise, the fringe goes down past her knees.

Hrm. Now down to the serious stuff (you wouldn’t know it was me unless I did some b*tching…; )

Alan wants me to quit my job. Admittedly, this is like the answer to a prayer- unfortunately, I don’t see how we can afford to be a one-income household, particularly if I am unwilling to give up my car and a certain amount of financial freedom. Then he dangled some degree of temptation before me- the opportunity to finish up my degree, get my design studies going, write my book…

Of course, all these things take money- school would be the most expensive, but the most potentially lucrative, in the long run. If I was home, with the amount we’d save on gas, clothing, restaurants….it might just be feasible for me to do. Once we have kids and I would have to factor in the cost of childcare, it would be a no-brainer. But I can’t justify doing it right now. And of course, Alan argues that it’s not worth my sanity, etc. But if I can just hold out a little longer, I think it would be better for all concerned.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Tis' the Season- For Ranting

Sweater Grrrl

Oh weekend- where have you gone?

I am killing time- waiting for my boss to come back to the office so I can ask her how she’d like me to handle something. Have I mentioned that the life of a corporate drone is not agreeing with me well at present? Yes, I do believe I have!

ATTENTION- the rant that followed has now selectively been deleted, in an effort to avert World War III.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Fa la la la Friday

Sweater Grrrl

What a day, what a day, what a day. I have been waiting for this day all week long. The only thing that could possibly be better than a Friday, is Friday at 5PM. When I have escaped my workplace to be in my little house.

Work is completely insane. We had someone quit this week, then come back because management begged them to return. Out of the 10-11 people in my department, we have lost 5 in the last 6 months. None of them have been replaced, although we do have a few temps to pick up the slack. Things are...well, hectic. Uncertain. Hellaciously stressful. It’s just a little too ominously quiet in here.

But I did manage to drop the Sn’B flyers off at the yarn store last night. I thought about taking them around to other places, but that’s the only really cool place that I have been to that sells yarn. I’ll have to think about it. It’s probably better if we start small.

Worked on the site a little bit last night, then knit furiously on my scarf. It’s only about ¼ of the way done, and I have 15 days left …ok, it’s theoretically possible to make this in 15 days and the mat bag too. I just have to figure out the lace pattern! Not to mention do ALL of my Christmas shopping. Oops.

So I am sitting here, taking a break from running around (not unlike the proverbial chicken freshly bereft of its proverbial head) and drinking my Candy Cane Lane Tea. The weather outside is beautiful- sun shining, birds birding, etc. My boss is out of the office. You know, life is pretty good.

That being said, I skipped WW last night. The road to hell is paved with Thai food and Christmas cookies. And that’s all I have to say about that.

So it looks like the weekend is going to be spent:
1. Making upgrades to the website.
2. Knitting with ceaseless vim.
3. Putting up the Christmas lights and decorations (no, this still has not happened)
4. Going to see “Seussical” a musical based on Dr. Seuss books.
5. Doing all my Christmas shopping.
6. Doing a truly frightening amount of laundry.
7. Let’s see, what can I put for 7? Solving the energy crisis?
8. Trying not to accidentally inhale any Christmas cookies.

OK. Wish me luck!

Thursday, December 09, 2004

All Systems Go- Fresno Stitch N' Bitch!

Sweater Grrrl
Well, I did it.

I went to my fave LYS (Local Yarn Store) yesterday, and the fabulous owner (Meg) suggested that someone needed to start an official Stitch N’Bitch for the Fresno area. I have already joined a local knitting circle, but I figure I could use more than one excuse per month to get out and knit.

Her take on it was that the younger knitters were really rallying around the books, and that there were definitely people she knew who would be interested. And I know I have enough buddies to at least keep me from being lonely if it doesn’t catch on right away.

So I said, well, what do I have to lose? And I made some flyers. As well as a very, very, rudimentary webpage (which will be undergoing upgrades as soon as I can manage it) So if you’d like more information, head on over to
Also, since I seem to have found a decent freebie web hosting site, I may set up a home page of my own…

Aside from my random epiphany, I also brought home some cool cotton string for my sister’s yoga mat bag. And a few new pairs of size 8 & 9 aluminum needles, and a pair of bamboo 8’s as well.

Now before anyone sits up and howls- I love love love my aluminum needles. They are the most retro things in the world. I know it’s mostly nostalgia on my part that makes me cling to them so. I know they’re somewhat unnatural and make a scratchy sound when you rub them together, and that people have been known to sharpen them for use them as weapons in the ‘hood. But I don’t care, I still want to collect the whole gleaming variegated rainbow range of colors in a fabulous display of futuristic 1950’s chutzpah.

I know there are bamboo advocates, and I truly appreciate the innate beauty of the gorgeous hardwood needles that are coming out now. (There are some gorgeous 2-tone ebony ones in Meg’s shop that I definitely would not say no to- I may put a little bug in Santa’s ear about that!) But I can’t seem to be able to justify buying them for myself. I am still learning, and I wouldn’t want to put them through the abuse I heap upon my old-school aluminum soldiers. Plastic needles- I think some of them look really cool- then I pick them up, and - EW. I just can’t get behind them. Too insubstantial and well- plastic-y. And what’s up with the ones that are made out of milk? I can’t even remember what they’re called, but I have never seen them for sale here locally- I suspect that they’re more in vogue in England and Australia. I’d like to get my hands on a pair though, just to test ‘em out.

I made a bit more progress on the scarf for sis, but most of the evening was spent designing the webpage & flyers, and catching up with my husband. Sigh- only 16 knitting days ‘til Christmas!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

The Plot Thickens

Sweater Grrrl

OK, I know this is a knitting blog. But the last two days at my workplace have been so completely horrible! I am so wound up, I can’t seem to focus on anything. So I have drifted in and out of meetings, lunch, over to the executive office, and back, and while I don’t feel like I have accomplished anything, everything on my “to-do” list has been neatly crossed off. I know there has to be something major that I am forgetting, but I seem to be too apathetic and brain dead to care. I’ll remember it when I have come back to my senses, which is unlikely to happen until I have been at home and unwinding for an hour or so, when it will be too damn late to do anything about it and I will torture myself about it incessantly all night until I get to work on Thursday morning, where that one thing I forgot will inevitably be the first thing my boss asks me for.

Golly, I’m just a little ray of sunshine!

I started on the scarf for my sister today, and it looks like I am going to need two- I want one for myself! It’s turning out really cute, I am knitting with two strands- one black chenille, the other a black wool blend with wild white fuzz woven in (I think it’s Berocco, I have to look it up when I get home) So much for the vow of “no more garter stitch scarves.” But at least I know I can get it done in time for Christmas. And my co-workers say it reminds them of Cruella DeVille, which in my opinion, is a great compliment. I will take pictures tonight, I swear- In the land of no digital camera, it’ll be this weekend before I can get stuff posted!

As for the Yoga mat bag (of which I also have to make two, since I bought one for myself last night) I looked at Michael’s for black cotton and they were totally out of it. I tried using acrylic, and ewwww. Definitely not a good look. But it will work for practice. That being said, I am a little put off by the lace pattern. I need to get that lace stitch down. I have a feeling that the stitch-by-stitch instructions I have are not going to be enough to get me through it, so I will have to do some homework. S n’B isn’t clear enough, (remember, I am the woman who cannot make I-cord from written instructions) but I do have a book that I think I can get a better idea from of what everything should look like. I also suspect I shouldn’t have tried to do it late last night, when I was so emotionally drained from work, I could not even think straight. Frustration plus yarn plus sleep deprivation equals bad situation.

Other than that- plotting to go to the yarn store with my buddy tonight!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The Wages of Procrastination

Sweater Grrrl

It’s all rainy and dreary outside. But I am tucked up at my little desk with both sugar-free hot chocolate AND Candy Cane Lane Tea (I stocked up at Trader Joe’s, and it is yummmmmmmy.) Too bad I actually have to do work! There’s actually so much paper piled on my desk, I don’t know where to even start. So I am procrastinating by posting to my blog. What else is new? ;)

Stayed up late last night finishing the scarf for hubby, and am hoping to get the measurements for the dog sweater tonight. In the meantime, I am working on a final garter-stitch scarf for myself to kill some time in between projects…and then I need to get ahold of some nice cotton string for my sister’s yoga mat bag. I think I already have some great yarn to make the scarf she is wanting, so that should be no sweat. If time allows, I might even make a matching hat and put some cuffs on a pair of gloves (this would be where I hope to get a grip on any latent crochet skills that I might have- so far, all my attempts have been pretty snarly lookin’.)

I also absolutely have to go through all of my wedding pictures- it’s been TWO YEARS, and I still haven’t done it. I have to make an album and get pix blown up for the bridesmaids and everything. Mom wants an album of pictures for Christmas.

My “craft room” (/spare room/guest room, etc.) is in a shambles. Knitting needles everywhere, books on every kind of project imaginable scattered far and wide, material and ribbons draped all over my sewing table, yarn snarled and snaked all over the futon. But when am I going to get to it? Not before the first of the year, that’s for sure! I also absolutely have to go through the garage with Alan. Now would be the perfect time, since the car is in the shop getting fixed. So we could get things all cleaned up and do the job right. There are still boxes and bags in there that have remained unopened since we moved in over a year ago. And the Halloween decorations haven’t made it up to the attic yet.

Tonight, Alan is talking about putting up our Christmas lights, and I am going to get the house interior decorated, the front bushes swathed with lights, and wrap the front pillar with the traditional garland and ribbon. Then we’re going to hit Christmas Tree Lane ( for the walk-through, weather permitting. I am making my best attempt to get into the holiday spirit.

Whew! Just looking at all this makes me want to curl up and take a serious nap.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Holiday Cheer, Zits & All

Sweater Grrrl
What a weekend!

It was pretty nice and quiet- Alan had to work, which was a drag. But I got my first facial ever- and my mother (who misses nothing) commented that the new skin products I have been using are really working! So that was exciting, being as I have been slapping anything and everything on my face to deal with the breakouts since I was …17? So 13 years and three dermatologists later, I finally found something that works. And in the end, it was an aesthetician who figured it out on my first consultation. No, I’m not bitter!

The positive- I got a lot of work done on various projects. I am feeling very creative, and since this is usually the time of year that I do a TON of holiday baking, I am attempting to find healthier outlets that won’t result in 10,000 calories worth of holiday temptation hanging out chez moi.

So I got some beads and stuff to make stretchy bracelets, as well as some green acrylic yarn and some charcoal Thick & Quick- the latter because hubby and I are trying to get healthier, and are walking outside early in the morning. He keeps complaining that his ears and head are freezing. So I made him a hat on one of my looms and am in the process of knitting a matching ribbed scarf. (Which at least requires me to purl) It’s going really swiftly, so the Thick & Quick is definitely living up to its name! I had never used it before, and I am very pleased with the way it knits up. (Plus- I am sort of getting warm fuzzies from the fact that I could make something for my hubby that he needed.) Then there’s a thrift store sweater that I am “re-working”. The sweater is a pretty pink with a nice eyelet openwork pattern, but it had kinda granola-crunchy-looking butterflies and flowers embroidered on it with yarn and then wooden beads stuck all over it. I just had to rescue it! I plan to cut all that crap off and then run narrow black satin ribbon through some of the eyelets for a Cheap & Chic Parisian Retro look. I also really like the funky beaded bracelets I made, and I am considering making more to give as little gifts this Christmas.

Speaking of which, I have been nagging my family to get me their x-mas lists, and my brother is still dragging his feet. And my husband, who is supposed to get lists from HIS family, had still not come through. Grr. I want to get all this shopping DONE, out of the way, finito, so I don’t have to mud-wrestle with the good matrons of Fresno County over the last Emeril-endorsed pepper-grinder or whatever.

While I am grousing about the joyous holiday season- This is the time of year when I deeply regret living near Riverpark. HOLY MOLY! I cannot take the usual freeway exit anymore, I have to get off the freeway a few exits earlier and go into stealth mode just to get home.

Back to Christmas gifts- my sister has asked for a number of “knittable” items, including a scarf (yawn) and a yoga mat bag. There’s a pattern in the new S&B that’s perfect (yes, again). I just have to get the right yarn for it. Well…and figure out how to knit lace. I may add some sparklies, just for kicks. But I better hurry, Christmas is a’comin’

Friday, December 03, 2004

Banishing the Stepford Wife Within

Sweater Grrrl

Imagine my shock yesterday when I called Alan to see if he was packing up to leave Sacramento, and he announced that he got to leave early and was already here in town.

Since my plan had been to get home from work and do some miraculous whirling-dervish-style cleaning to sort of conceal the fact that I'd been living like a TV-centric cavewoman/recluse/yeti for the last two weeks (I had a horrible cold) and flinging clothing and yarn ends and laughing cow cheese wrappers recklessly all over creation. AND I’d been planning to make a nice dinner. Well, color me surprised! Plus, I'd left his Christmas presents out in plain view, without getting a change to even wrap them yet. Whoops! (I don't think he spied them, however.)

So I was a little conflicted- happy that he was home, but a trifle embarrassed at the state of the house. I managed to console myself with the knowledge that the man has been married to me for two years and some change- he's aware of the fact that I get into slob mode occasionally. So I managed to banish the latent attack of Stepford Wife Syndrome.

Anyway, Alan was on a perfect-husband roll. He washed the dogs and picked me up at work to take me out to lunch (with two large, excitable, slightly damp dogs in the backseat.) I had been having a lousy day (the less said about my job, the better) but I came back from lunch all smiley and goofy and happy- and THAT'S when a dozen long-stemmed red roses with a sweet card from him arrived for me at work.

Aaaaah- Do I deserve this? Yes, dammit, I do! I am so glad he's home- and I am so worried that they might send him overseas again. We've been married two and a half years if you count straight time. If you take into account the total time he's been deployed, he's been gone for a little over 1/4 of our marriage. I guess it's a good thing I'm not particularly clingy, but I sincerely wonder how the families with children can do this all by themselves.


I think I am going to get the acrylic yarn for the dog sweater this weekend. I want to make it in green, with black stripes, and I am even considering making four little matching legwarmers. (Yes, I am fully aware that I am going over the edge- at least I am not making booties.) There are some great patterns in the new S&B book- the dog sweater is yet another one. It just looks like a fun project that I can get into.

Also, I joined up with a local Fresno knitting group through "meetup" a few days ago-

They get together once a month at a local coffeehouse and work on projects (and of course, talk)

I am looking forward to attending the first meeting, perhaps with my buddy Angela in tow. There's also a woman I work with who I am going to ask. So it could be a big group! We'll have to see what happens. I think I could use some inspiration!

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Knitting- Not just for grannies anymore

Sweater Girl: gurl: A girl with an attractive bust who wears tight sweaters- used commonly during the 50's, often applied to Hollywood starlets (ex: Mamie Van Doren, who was often called THE sweater girl)

SweaterGrrrl: an emancipated female (Moi, in this case) who knits sweaters- as well as other stuff. Bodacious ta-ta's are strictly optional. (While nice as an accessory, they aren't really part of the equation.)

Actually, I have a confession to make. I am *blush* a sweater virgin. I have not yet knitted a sweater (in defiance of my chosen moniker). I am actually...a scarf-a-holic. Not even cool patterns, just long rectangles that require little to no thought, are hard to screw up on, and I can talk or watch tv as I churn out miles of auto-pilot garter stitch. My reasoning- you can always use another scarf. I try to liven it up by combining colors and textures or putting in stripes, but I definitely need to expand my horizons, pick up a pattern, throw off my cloak of knitting laziness, and resign myself to using a purl stitch or two.

Up to now, my biggest project has been a ribbon poncho- the pattern was a freebie from Michael's, and it knitted up quickly on size 17 needles- I used Lion Incredible ribbon in City Lights. it's all bright and asymmetrical and fringey and funky and fun. I've gotten so many compliments on it, I'm almost embarassed to wear it! The texture of the ribbons looks really cool, people are always asking if they can touch it. I am going to take some photographs of it this weekend, so I can post 'em.

I am almost done with my latest garter-stitch scarf. I am probably going to make a hat to match on the new "knitting looms" I just got. While they're not too flexible, they seem pretty fool-proof, I just have to make sure that the length is generous enough for my big huge head. The yarmulke effect is just not what I'm going for this season.

So, I am stuck trying to decide on my next project.

I have a bunch of mohair hanging around in my stash that I love, but I seriously don't know what to do with. I started making a scarf, but while it looks pretty cool, it's ITCHY as hell. Plus, it sheds like a mofo. Yikes! Would it be insane to frog my scarf and try and lose my sweater virginity with this stuff? I guess I could wear a turtleneck underneath. There's a cool one-piece "shell" in S&B Nation (nifty patterns, give it a look-see) that might look pretty cool in mohair. Does it count as a sweater if it has no sleeves? Hrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmm........

Also, I promised my neighbor that I would make a sweater for his charming dog- 'cause baby, it's cold outside. However, Mr. Doggie is getting some green Red Heart acrylic. No way am I going to subject natural fibers to say- I don't know, rolling around on a dead moose carcass or whatever dogs do when we're not looking. I am sure that Dave, owner of the aforesaid dog, will appreciate the "washability" factor.

OK, some sweater, or variant thereof, will be my next project. I need to shake my fear of commitment and start knitting on a larger scale!

In the meantime, Alan comes home tonight. I should probably make an effort (like say, cook something) to show him how much I luuurve him.

Sure, it looks cute, but you know she's gotta be freezin'... Posted by Hello

Sleep deprived rantings of a disordered mind


Oh my stars, what have we here?

I am getting over a cold. I just turned 30. My contact lenses are killing me. I have to weigh in at WW tomorrow, which after the Thanksgiving Bonanza, ain't gonna be purty.

b*tch b*tch b*tch b*tch b*tch

Why oh why can't I find solace in the sweet arms of dreamland?

My rational mind is telling me to give the sleeping thing up as a bad job and just knit and bliss out in front of the TV watching informercials wih my doggies snoozing on my feet. This is, after all, my last night of maiden meditation, fancy-free- the hubby returns tomorrow night, after a two-month stint at Travis AFB. However, lo and behold, I got sucked into the computer. Riding the megabyte dragon, if you will. Did I mention I have to get up at 5:30 AM and be productive at work tomorrow? Which is *ahem* actually today. Oops.

It's all Dave's fault. His roomie's brother-in-law used to work with me (I know it's convoluted. I'm in Fresno, CA where everyone went to high school with, is related to, married, has slept/is sleeping/wants to sleep with, everyone else. Just breathe deeply and try to keep up)

Anyway, this guy I worked with briefly three years ago remembered my old webpage, Jenna's Juke Joint. He said it was a cool read, and wanted to know if it was still up and running. (It's not.) But, his fond memory of it sort of jolted me- particularly since I never advertised at work that I had a website, so I don't even know how he ran across the danged thing! But I am tickled pink that he'd remember such a thing.

Admittedly, all I remember about him was that he was a spry young whippersnapper (or larva, if you prefer.) And he once assisted me with the all-important task of switching the cover on my cell phone. So now I am overtaken with a mild sense of guilt. Not to mention anxiety, because how the hell did he find out about my webpage!?? (I seriously cannot even remember what was ON there, for Pete's sake.)

OK, kids. Enuff whinin'- s'way past my bedtime.