Sunday, July 03, 2005

Knitting article in the Clovis Independent!

Sweater Grrrl

For anyone whose interested, this came out on July 1st- considering that I think the interview was more that two months ago (!)

But I am quoted kind of extensively, and so is Jeanette from Stitch N' Bitch. I think they mis-attributed the thing about football to me, however. I actually found a man who doesn't watch the stuff. (No, you can't have him, he's mine!) Unless it sounded like "football" when I said, "The History Channel."

Also- Stitch N' Bitch is referred to....but not by name. I think they were afraid that the good citizens of Clovis might be a little scandalized by our freedom with "the B word".

Anyway, here's the link. Enjoy!