Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Makin' Stuff

Yea! I made something!!!!(Something that is not a coat.) Go figure!

In other news, the ladies want new Fresno-specific SN'B shirts. I am workig on a logo to bring with me to the meeting tonight- we'll see how it pans out.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


So, I have finished the entire body of the Einstein coat, and I am now working on my first sleeve. Oh god- I am so bored with garter stitch, I could scream.

In the meantime, stuff keeps coming up to keep me from knitting- like, oh, cleaning, and setting up my dandy new laptop....

Oh, and we have a new member of the family, as of today. She is yet to be named- any suggestions? This will give you a vague idea of what our behemoth looks like- except ours is turquoise and white, instead of red and white. It needs a lot of work and TLC...but I suspect I am gonna love cruising around when it's finally restored.

I am voting for this color scheme. I mean, dang! Wouldn't anyone?! My spoilsport husband wants to keep it original, but...after seeing that picture, I am not going to quite nagging about it anytime soon. (Turquoise and Black! Turquoise and Black!)

Anyway, the thing is a boat. You could fit about 4 bodies in the trunk. Not that I plan to, but uh, I'm just sayin'....we could baaaaarely squeak it into the garage. However, the thing needs extensive restoration, and I suspect voles are nesting in the upholstery, so this is going to be a long and exhaustive process. I will say that the chrome is still beautiful.

I got my Born To Knit T-shirt today! It is ah.....a trifle snug, but I am going to wear it tomorrow regardless.