Here's what I spent the last 24 hours making: The Felted Bucket Hat from Chic Knits.
It is still blocking- it was a really quick knit, and I will definitely be using this pattern again, depending on how this first one wears and stuff.
Here's what it looked like pre-felting:
I made a few modifications- added length and width for my huge head. Hopefully the brim will stiffen up once it dries- if not, I am going to have to either needle felt it or see what some steam blocking will do!
I used Patons wool, which is my fave for felting, and when it was time to toss it in the washer, just followed the directions and started checking after 5 minutes. The project probably took less than 20 minutes to felt while agitating in the washer. After experimenting with different combo's of plates and mixing bowls, I found a bowl the right circumference to shape the brim.
The color isn't my fave, but it is what I had on hand. I am thinking about jazzing up the finished product with a black grosgrain ribbon and maybe a buckle of some sort- we will see what I come up with!