Thursday, February 03, 2005

Revenge of the Creeping Crud

Sweater Grrrl

You guys can tell I've been busy, right?

I am sick. Again. I have been taking vitamins, supplements, Airborne,
etc. for the last two months. Then I guess I got cocky. The creeping
crud strikes again.

On the upside, the day at home allowed me to get back into knitting my
cape. It's definitely progressing (pix to come soon.)

Well, it looks like the Get Out! Calendar came out- there have been
about 125 hits on the site in the past two days, and that's the only
explanation I can come up with. S N'B is on the calendar of stuff to
However, I don't see any article on the newfound popularity of
Perhaps I should call Meg and see what's shakin'.

Ok- so I am just sitting here, eating my pomelo sections. This day
cannot end soon enough!

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